
Here you can find information on the lectures, as well as information on when you should have enough information to be able to attempt the various practical and theoretical python notebook assignments. The project should be started as soon as possible, and you should try different machine learning algorithms on the data set as you learn them in the course.

There is a menu item for each lecture where you can find a reading guide for the textbook, links to additional material and links to slides.

Please note that the dates still could change, and the dates in timeedit are always correct. If you find any errors, then please email me.

121/1Introduction and Overview of the Course
222/1Linear Regression as Machine Learning

You should now have all the knowledge you need to attempt practical notebooks 1 and 2 (P1 & P2)

Help Session23/1
329/1Probability and Naive Bayes Classification
Help Session30/1

You now should have the knowledge to attempt the the first theoretical notebook (T1).

43/2Logistic Regression and Regularisation

You should now be able to attempt the second theoretical notebook (T2) and the third practical notebook (P3).

56/2Support Vector Machines
Help Session6/2
611/2Cross Validation and Feature Encoding
Help Session13/2

You should now be able to attempt the final practical notebook (P4).

719/2Clustering and Nearest Neighbours
Help Session20/2
821/2Decision Trees

You should now be able to attempt theoretical notebook 3 (T3) and (T4)

926/2Principle Component Analysis and Preprocessing
1027/2Gradient Boosting & AdaBoost
113/3Ethics and Bias in Machine Learning

Practical and Theoretical Notebooks

There are 4 practical and theoretical notebooks that are done individually as assignments. Links will be provided but the topics covered in the notebooks are as follows.

Practical Notebooks

  • P1 : Basic programming with Python, lists, sets and an introduction to NumPy.
  • P2 : Introduction to Pandas
  • P3 : Linear and Logistic regression with scikit-learn
  • P4 : Preprocessing, feature engineering and cross validation.

Theoretical Notebooks

  • T1 - Logistic Regression
  • T2 - Using naive Bayes for classifying tweets.
  • T3 - Using K-means classifiers
  • T4 - The Entropy of the normal distribution and binary decision trees using ID3.


These should be the same deadlines as are in Studium. If there is any discrepancy then please inform me.

P1 & P231/1 13:00
T1 & T210/2 13:00
P3 & P417/2 13:00
T3 & T424/2 13:00
Project7/3 13:00